NEWS RELEASE Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Expands Ambassador Program with Appointment of Robert Pagliarini as CFP®Board Ambassador for Orange County He Will Serve as a Local Resource for Personal Finance Issues ORANGE COUNTY, CA, December 15, 2014 – Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. has expanded its CFP®Board Ambassador program in…
Read MoreDiscover a pair of underappreciated exit planning vehicles. Charitable remainder unit trusts (CRUTs) and charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRATs) are commonly seen as estate planning tools. What frequently goes unseen is their value in exit planning for business owners. Does it look like you will sell your company to a third party? Do your “second…
Read More2015 will bring COLAs, changes & something new. Each year, the retirement benefits landscape looks a little different, and next year is no exception. Here’s a look at what will change, what might develop, and even what won’t change for 2015. The 401(k) contribution limit expands $500 to $18,000 next year. The catch-up contribution limit…
Read MoreWhat financial, business or life priorities do you need to address for 2015? Now is a good time to think about the investing, saving or budgeting methods you could employ toward specific objectives. Some year-end financial moves may prove crucial to the pursuit of those goals as well. What can you do to lower your…
Read MoreThe end of a year makes us think about last-minute things we need to address and good habits we want to start keeping. To that end, here are seven aspects of your financial life to think about as this year leads into the next… Your investments. Review your approach to investing and make sure it…
Read MoreWhat has changed for you in 2014? Did you start a new job or leave a job behind? Did you retire? Did you start a family? If notable changes occurred in your personal or professional life, then you will want to review your finances before this year ends and 2015 begins. Even if your 2014…
Read MoreA solo 401(k) lets a self-employed individual set up a 401(k) plan combined with a profit-sharing plan. You can create one of these if you work for yourself or if you own a small business with just 1-2 full-time employees including yourself (the second FTE must be your spouse). Reduce your tax bill while you…
Read MoreSocial Security benefits are increasing 1.7% in 2015. This marks the fourth straight yearly cost-of-living adjustment, following a 1.5% COLA for 2014. Next year, the average monthly Social Security payment for a single retiree increases by $22 to $1,328. The average retired couple will get $2,176 per month in 2015 (a $36 monthly increase). A…
Read MoreNo married couple should suffer from financial infidelity. If you hide debt, income or assets from your spouse, it can lead to a fight and possibly even an impasse in your relationship. Communication & transparency are essential when it comes to money. That truth should be recognized by every couple tying the knot, or even…
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