How will you pay for long term care? The sad fact is that most people don’t know the answer to that question. But a solution is available. Many baby boomers are opting to make long term care coverage an important part of their retirement strategies. The reasons to get an LTC policy after age 50…
Read MoreAmericans have a great deal of disposable income relative to many other nations, yet our free spending can take us further and further away from the potential for financial freedom. Some people fall into crippling spending habits and injure their finances as a consequence. Bad habit: failing to save. Saving – saving even $50 or…
Read MoreIn 1835, something financially remarkable happened: the federal government paid off the national debt. It hasn’t happened since. Through myriad presidential administrations and economic cycles, the national debt has persisted. Wars, depressions and recessions have all helped send it higher, and while it can shrink in the short term, it isn’t going away. Currently it…
Read MorePacifica Wealth Advisors is a proud supporter of Suits for a Cause, an annual event that brought together more than 50 legal and financial firms, groups and companies in 2014. The annual clothing drive is sponsored by WHW (Women Helping Women/Men2Work), an Orange County non-profit organization that provides comprehensive employment support services for low-income men, women and…
Read MoreWhy sell shares when you can gift them? If you have appreciated stocks in your portfolio (and you hold them in a non-qualified account that doesn’t get special tax treatment), then you might want to consider donating those shares to charity rather than selling them someday. Why, exactly? Donating appreciated stock to a tax-exempt charity…
Read MoreA first-world problem, and nothing more? Not quite. Getting rich quick can be liberating, but it can also be frustrating. Sudden wealth can help you resolve anxieties about funding your retirement or your children’s college educations, and newfound financial freedom can lead to time freedom – greater opportunity to live and work on your terms.…
Read MoreYear after year, in bull and bear markets, investors make some all-too-common blunders. They have been written about, talked about, and critiqued at some length – and yet they are still made. You can chalk them up to psychology, human nature, perhaps even a degree of peer pressure. You just don’t want to find yourself…
Read MoreThe playing field is level – but only at the federal level. A year after the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in U.S. v. Windsor, financial options have definitely improved for gay and lesbian couples who have married or intend to marry. Irritating residency issues remain, however, en route to true equality. Residing in a state…
Read MoreTOD & JTWROS…what do these obscure acronyms signify? They are shorthand for transfer on death and joint tenancy with right of ownership – two designations that permit the automatic transfer of bank or investment accounts from a deceased spouse to a surviving spouse. This automatic transfer of assets reflects a legal tenet called the right…
Read MoreHow will Wall Street fare if interest rates climb back to historic norms? Rising interest rates could certainly impact investments, the real estate market and the overall economy – but their influence might not be as negative as some perceive. Why are rates rising? You can cite three factors. The Federal Reserve is gradually reducing…
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