Robert Pagliarini was asked to provide lottery winner advice and was interviewed on BBC Radio today regarding the sudden wealth effect of winning the lottery. The lottery was making big news after Margaret Loughrey won 27 million pounds in this week’s Euromillions Lottery. You can read about her lottery win on the BBC News website. Margaret…
Read MoreSome people start saving for retirement at 20, 25, or 30. Others start later, and while their accumulated assets will have fewer years of compounding to benefit from, that shouldn’t discourage them to the point of doing nothing. If you need to play catch-up, here are some retirement planning and savings principles to keep in…
Read MoreThere is seldom a dull moment on Wall Street. Stocks may rise or fall dramatically over the course of a year or a decade. Sometimes, breaking news may tempt you to think about withdrawing your SIMPLE IRA funds or greatly reducing or ceasing your contributions for the short term. If you’re considering such moves, think…
Read MoreAt the end of every year, certain federal temporary tax breaks face a sunset. Some are renewed, some expire. As 2014 will soon start, here is a list of some of notable tax provisions that may go away next year – offering some opportunities that you may want to take advantage of this year. Qualified…
Read MoreThere is seldom a dull moment on Wall Street. Stocks may rise or fall dramatically over the course of a year or a decade. Sometimes, breaking news may tempt you to pull money out of a 401(a) plan or 457 plan, or greatly reduce your contributions to either. If you’re considering such moves, think twice.…
Read MoreHere are 6 things you need to know about Social Security in 2014. For clarity’s sake, here is a rundown of what is changing next year, and what isn’t. Social Security recipients are getting a raise – but not much of one. Next year, the average monthly Social Security payment will increase by $19 due…
Read MoreThe IRS has made minor adjustments to retirement plan contribution limits for 2014. As inflation has been tame in 2013, these COLAs aren’t dramatic; as a result, some retirement plans won’t see any next year. Here is a roundup of the changes for 2014. IRAs. Not much change here: the 2014 contribution limit is still…
Read MoreAt the end of October, the S&P 500 was up 24.39% in the past 12 months. What investor wouldn’t want gains like that? As uplifting as that market advance was for many, some baby boomers missed out on it. They were simply too afraid to get back into stocks – they couldn’t dispense with their…
Read MoreBefore retirement begins, gather what you need. Put as much documentation as you can in one place, for you and those you love. It could be a password-protected online vault; it could be a file cabinet; it could be a file folder. Regardless of what it is, by centralizing the location of important papers you…
Read MoreInvestors are looking everywhere for better yields – but how many of them look into Master Limited Partnerships? Many investors have never heard of MLPs. Others have, but assume they are complex and esoteric. In reality, investing in MLPs isn’t that mysterious. They trade on public exchanges, and today there are even MLP mutual funds…
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