If you have a child with special needs or care for an adult relative who is mentally or physically challenged, you face long-run financial demands. In all probability, federal and state assistance won’t help you meet all of them. Enter the special needs trust, an irrevocable trust designed to provide for an individual or family…
Read MoreRobert Pagliarini, an expert in wealth management, inheritance planning, financial planning, and sudden wealth™, writes a financial column for CBS News MoneyWatch that is also syndicated in newspapers across the country. The following is a column Robert wrote for CBS: Are you long on Christmas shopping lists but short on cash? Last week I wrote…
Read MoreWe were proud to be a sponsor of the OC Walk to Remember, a non-profit organization that helps families who have lost a baby in infancy or during pregnancy.
Read MoreRobert Pagliarini is a frequent contributor to Huffington Post. In the wake of the recent huge PowerBall lottery, they have chosen to publish one of Robert’s sudden wealth columns titled “Sudden Wealth and Lottery Winners: Six Steps for Handling a Windfall.”
Read MoreRobert Pagliarini, an expert in wealth management, inheritance planning, financial planning, and sudden wealth™, writes a financial column for CBS News MoneyWatch that is also syndicated in newspapers across the country. The following is a column Robert wrote for CBS: Want to learn how to save money on gifts this Christmas and not feel like…
Read MoreBesides periodic IRA contributions and elective salary deferrals into 401(k) and 403(b) plans, there are other ways to amass retirement savings, some of them often overlooked. Put tax refunds & tax savings to work. If you get a few hundred back from the IRS, that is not an insignificant sum. You could save it or…
Read MoreMy colleague over at CBS News MoneyWatch, Jill Schlesinger, wrote a wonderful piece on how to handle sudden wealth if you are lucky enough to win the Powerball lottery tomorrow worth $500 million. Here’s an excerpt of her four tips: 1) Read the rules on the ticket and on the lottery’s website. Sign your name…
Read MoreRobert Pagliarini, an expert in wealth management, inheritance planning, financial planning, and sudden wealth™, writes a financial column for CBS News MoneyWatch that is also syndicated in newspapers across the country. The following is a column Robert wrote for CBS: Christmas is around the corner, and if the fat man in the red suit has…
Read MoreRobert Pagliarini, an expert in wealth management, inheritance planning, financial planning, and sudden wealth™, writes a financial column for CBS News MoneyWatch that is also syndicated in newspapers across the country. The following is a column Robert wrote for CBS: There are two ways to change any behavior . . . the hard way and…
Read MoreDecisions must be made. In the next couple of months, Congress will address several major tax matters. Here are the big tax questions looming. The Bush-era income tax cuts. Will the current 10%-15%-25%-28%-33%-35% federal tax rate structure give way to 15%-28%-31%-36%-39.6% tax brackets in 2013? After the election, some analysts feel a compromise will be…
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