Everything starts with your Vision.
Your Vision is the foundation that supports everything that you do. Without a firm understanding of your Vision, you will have an unsteady structure that will eventually crumble. This exercise will help you create the perfect vision for your future by looking into the future and examining how you want to be remembered. You will create the vision of your perfect future and identify what you value most in your Life Zones—again, the major areas of your life that are most meaningful and important to you.
Remember, your Life Zones might not match the Life Zones I value most.
Such a list can vary widely from person to person. Some areas may not even apply to your life. If, for example, you are retired, you might not have a Business/Career category. Feel free to add or remove Power Areas to better create a list that matches accurately with your life. Without further ado, let’s get started!
Everyone is wearing black.
There are so many people present, you are surprised it is so quiet. Everyone has their back to you. No one looks up as you make your way to the front of the room. Suddenly you see an old college friend who you haven’t seen in years. “This is great!” you think—it will give you some time to catch up. Then you notice your neighbor, your mother-in-law, and your boss. “What’s he doing here?” you wonder. In fact, “What is everyone doing here?!” Just as you’re about to say something to your old college friend, you notice your family seated near the front of the room. Something is wrong. Your wife is seated and you can see her trembling; she’s crying. Then it hits you. Someone has died—this is a funeral. You immediately notice the casket. Cautiously, you make your way to the open casket. You don’t want to look in, but you have to. Your body lies in the casket.
It’s a scene straight out of a movie. You have died. Everyone is here for your funeral. There’s nothing you can do. You’re witnessing your own funeral! Barely able to move, you sit down as the eulogies begin.
- Your spouse/partner, children, and/or close relatives slowly walk to the podium. What do you want your spouse to say about you? Were you there when he needed you? Were you exciting and romantic? Did you adore him? Were you a good friend? Did you praise her accomplishments and hold her when she failed? Were you respectful and compassionate? What do you want your children to say about you? Were you the best parent you could be? Were you always there for them? Did you give your all? Did you help them grow and learn? Did you teach them important values? Were you a good role model? Were you available to them? What do you want your brothers, sisters, and close relatives to say about you? Were you supportive and encouraging? Were you there for them when they needed you?Write “Family” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you hear? Regardless of what you think your spouse, children, and family might say today, write what you’d like them to say at your funeral—either in a bullet point list or in full sentences.
- Your friends stand at the podium. How do you want them to remember you? What do they say about you? Could they count on you? Were you true to your word? Did you support them and encourage them to become better people? Were you honest and direct with them?Write “Relationships” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you hear? Regardless of what you think your friends might say today, write what you’d like them to say at your funeral—either in a bullet point list or in full sentences.
- Your boss, colleague, or business partner stands at the podium. What do you want him to say about you? Did you always give 100%? Were you honest and ethical? Did you treat your co-workers or employees with the same respect you would give your family? Were you in a position that regularly challenged you? Were you doing something you loved and felt passionate about? Did you seek to improve the company?Write “Business/Career” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you hear? Regardless of what you think your boss, colleagues, or business partner might say today, write what you’d like them to say at your funeral—either in a bullet point list or in full sentences.
Just when you think the ceremony is over, a good friend wheels a large television to the front of the room. He takes a DVD from his jacket and announces he edited the highlights from your home videos. He pushes “play” and everyone watches the screen . . .
- Do you look healthy and in good shape? Did you take care of your body? Is there footage of you crossing a finish line or playing sports? What does your body look like? Are you embarrassed when they show you playing with the kids by the pool in your bathing suit or are you proud of your body? Do you look powerful and full of energy? Do you look like you could conquer the world?Write “Physical Health” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you see? Regardless of what the video might show today, write what you’d like the video to highlight of your physical body, your health, and your energy level.
- Is there footage of you receiving awards? Are you speaking another language? What are your hobbies? Are there graduation ceremonies? Are you traveling in other countries? Are you on safari? Are you participating in a play? Is there footage of you preparing for a dance recital or a concert? Are you reading, learning, and growing?Write “Personal Growth” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you see? Regardless of what the video might show today, write what you’d like the video to highlight of your personal achievements, hobbies, and passions.
- Is there footage of you volunteering at a homeless shelter? Did someone secretly tape you smiling as you write a big check to a charity? Does the video show you involved at your place of worship? Are you praying before meals? Does it show footage of you reading the Bible to your children?Write “Spirituality” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you see? Regardless of what the video might show today, write what you’d like the video to highlight of your generosity, unselfishness, and spirituality.
- How much footage is there of you at work? Do you have the time and money to take long vacations with your family? Are you able to attend all of your kids’ plays and games? Are you an escort for your children’s field trips? Are you driving a car that makes you proud? Are you living in the home of your dreams? Do you have the home “extras” you always wanted such as a pool, Jacuzzi, and gym? Are you filled with pleasure knowing you’ve saved and invested appropriately when you have to write the check to pay for your child’s college tuition or your parents’ healthcare? Do you have the look of confidence that comes from knowing you’d be fine financially if you didn’t work another day in your life?Write “Financial Health” at the top of a blank sheet of paper and think about the answers to those questions. Are you happy or disappointed with what you see? Regardless of what the video might show today, write what you’d like the video to highlight of your passion for the work you do, free time away from work, flexibility, independence, and the lifestyle you live.
Your perfect vision is a look into the future to see the kind of life you would like to achieve.
The power of having a clear vision cannot be overemphasized. If you don’t define your vision for your future, I guarantee someone will impose their vision on you. By actively defining your vision, you are able to build a life that is right for you.
There’s a famous story that illustrates the power of a clear vision.
Walt Disney died before Disney World in Florida was completed. On opening day, a newspaper reporter asked Walt’s brother, Roy, who oversaw completion of the park, “Isn’t it a tragedy that Walt never got to see Disney World?” Roy replied, “Walt did see it. He saw it in his imagination. That’s why you’re seeing it now.”
Now that you have created a vision for your perfect future and identified the Life Zones most important to you (remember, you can go back and change this list at anytime), it is time to dream BIG!
The proceeding blog post is an excerpt from The Six-Day Financial Makeover: Transform Your Financial Life in Less Than a Week!, available now on Amazon.

About the Independent Financial Advisor
Robert Pagliarini, PhD, CFP® has helped clients across the United States manage, grow, and preserve their wealth for nearly three decades. His goal is to provide comprehensive financial, investment, and tax advice in a way that is honest and ethical. In addition, he is a CFP® Board Ambassador, one of only 50 in the country, and a fiduciary. In his spare time, he writes personal finance books. With decades of experience as a financial advisor, the media often calls on him for his expertise. Contact Robert today to learn more about his financial planning services.