Are you anticipating a large legal settlement and feeling uneasy and confused?
For nearly three decades, Pacifica Wealth has worked with those who received their sudden wealth through a lawsuit or settlement. Although each situation is different, what is common to nearly all of them is that they or someone close to them were harmed. Sometimes the biggest hurdle is handling the “emotional rollercoaster.” Part of the frustration is the often slow legal system and the seemingly invasive procedures necessary to get a successful verdict. Below the surface for many clients is the pain they have experienced while fighting for justice.
More than financial advice - get help on the emotional rollercoaster of obtaining a settlement
Working with clients who have received a lawsuit judgment or settlement has been humbling. Often they are the underdog—fighting for what is right and taking on seemingly impossible odds. And when justice does prevail, many view their “win” as bittersweet. Their “windfall” is not because they won the lottery or have sold their company, it is compensation for an injury, for pain, or from a loss they endured. And sometimes the wrong can never be made right even if they “win” or regardless of the amount of money they receive from the settlement.

Choose a fiduciary
Robert Pagliarini, Ph.D., CFP®, is a fiduciary, which means he is legally and ethically bound to act in the best interests of his clients.

Meet the Financial Planner
Robert Pagliarini, PhD, CFP® is the founder of Pacifica Wealth Advisors and has nearly three decades of experience as a fiduciary financial advisor focused on retirement planning and managing sudden wealth.
You may have seen him on The Today Show, 20/20, Dr. Phil or Good Morning America as an expert in personal finance. Robert hold a Ph.D. in financial and retirement planning and is a Certified Financial Planner® practitioner as well as a CFP® Ambassador, one of less than 50 in the country!
Sudden Wealth Financial Planner
Robert Pagliarini is nationally known for providing investment, legal, and tax advice to settlement recipients. He is also a CFP® Board Ambassador with dual masters and Ph.D. and has become the go-to expert for serving sudden wealth recipients. He is called upon by the media for his insight into the financial and psychological issues related to navigating life after a receiving a large financial settlement

Manage your settlement money 24-7
Whether you received an injury compensation in California or a settlement check in Nevada - we can help you protect and grow your settlement. We utilize a sophisticated financial planning platform and can handle all paperwork, meetings and more 100% online.
Compassionate financial advice for lawsuit settlement recipients
Sometimes the wrong can never be made right even if you "win" regardless of the amount of money - and we understand that. We help you navigate the countless legal, tax, and financial decisions they and their attorneys have to make before and after they are awarded a settlement. You need a financial advisor who has your best interest. Not only will we help safeguard your winnings - we'll help you deal with the emotional aspects of obtaining a large settlement from a lawsuit.

Common Questions during the Settlement Process
As a financial advisor for those who are obtaining a large settlement, we answer questions like these.
- Does it make sense for me to take a lawsuit loan on my case?
- What is a structured annuity and does it make sense to get part or all of my settlement in a structured annuity?
- What are the tax consequences of the settlement?
- How much money will I have after paying the attorney, miscellaneous fees, and tax?
- Does it make sense for me to take a lawsuit loan on my case?
- What is a structured annuity and does it make sense to get part or all of my settlement in a structured annuity?
- What are the tax consequences of the settlement?
- How much money will I have after paying the attorney, miscellaneous fees, and tax?
- Will the lawsuit settlement be enough so I can stop working?
- Are there ways to minimize the taxes I will pay on the settlement?
- Should I sell my structured settlement or annuity to a company such as JG Wentworth for cash?
- Will the lawsuit settlement be enough so I can stop working?
- Are there ways to minimize the taxes I will pay on the settlement?
- Should I sell my structured settlement or annuity to a company such as JG Wentworth for cash?
The Sudden Wealth Solution Book
12 Principles to Transform Sudden Wealth into Lasting Wealth - A must-read for those who received a legal settlement.
Robert Pagliarini, founder of Pacifica Wealth Advisors, a wealth management firm in Orange County, CA - authored The Sudden Wealth Solution. Sudden wealth is often portrayed as creating dire consequences for its recipients, but it can be an amazing opportunity that improves your life and those around you. I’ve worked with enough clients who have received large financial settlements, over the years to see patterns – what works and what doesn’t. With proper guidance and a willingness to stick to the 12 Principles outlined in The Sudden Wealth Solution, you can avoid the common pitfalls that so often destroy lawsuit settlement winnings, and transform your winnings into lasting wealth.