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Rethinking the Prenup

By Robert Pagliarini on May 20, 2014

My interview with Divorce Corp documentary director Joe Sorge on the idea of requiring financial disclosure of assets and liabilities BEFORE marriage: ROBERT PAGLIARINI: One of the things I’ve been thinking about for some time is essentially forcing every soon-to-be-married couple to have a prenup. When people think of prenuptial agreements, they often think…

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What Is a Gavron Warning?

By Robert Pagliarini on March 4, 2014

A Gavron Warning is language that is seen in California divorces involving spousal support. Contrary to popular thought, permanent spousal support is not guaranteed regardless of how long the marriage lasted. In California, many people mistakenly misinterpret the “10 Year Rule” and believe that if they are married for 10 years or more they will…

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What’s a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)?

By Robert Pagliarini on August 29, 2013

A Qualified Domestic Relations Order — commonly called a QDRO (pronounced “quad-row”) is a court order most commonly used when a couple divorces that provides an ex-spouse with some ownership (usually 50%) of the other spouse’s retirement plan. For example, if the husband has $400,000 in his 401(k) account, the QDRO would call for the…

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What Does the Term “Out Spouse” Mean?

By Robert Pagliarini on August 22, 2013

The term “out spouse” is commonly used by family law and divorce lawyers. When a couple is getting a divorce, sometimes both spouses have been involved equally in the financial decisions throughout the marriage. Maybe one paid the bills and worked with the CPA on the taxes while the other was in charge of investing…

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